
从我国经济体制变迁过程看我国城乡收入差距 被引量:2

The Income Differential Between Urban and Rural Areas and Its Reasons in the Process of Economic System Change in China
摘要 改革开放以来,我国城乡收入差距呈现出先缩小后拉大,再在个别年份有所缩小的阶段性变动特征,这与我国经济体制变迁过程是一致的。以历史的视角从我国经济体制变迁过程对我国城乡收入差距问题进行解读,并从国家经济发展战略、"城市偏向"的户籍管理制度及城乡居民承担改革成本的不平衡性等方面探索影响我国城乡收入差距变动的各种制度因素。 Since China' s reform and opening, the income differential between urban and rural areas is characteristic by fluctuation stages: it first narrows, then widens, at last again narrows in some years. And it s consistent with the process of economic system change of China. This paper makes a research on the income differential between urban and rural areas in the process of economic system change in China from historical point of view, and also studies all kinds of institutional factors that affect the fluctuation of the income differential from state economic development strategy, the managerial institution on household registration with 'urban tendency and the inequality on shouldering reform cost between urban and rural areas.
作者 程金亮
出处 《石家庄经济学院学报》 2004年第3期316-319,共4页 Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics
关键词 经济体制 城乡居民 收入差距 中国 经济发展战略 economic system change income differential between urban and rural areas economic development strategy
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