对于《新安名族志》的编纂过程 ,日本多贺秋五郎和郑力民都曾经作过探讨 ,但不少问题仍然模糊不清。经过对各版本和相关资料的分析 ,本文认为 ,该书的编纂过程为 :元代陈栎曾经有过一个未予“梓布”的《新安大族志》 ,到明代中叶 ,郑佐和洪垣将其刊刻 ;叶本静、汪孟、戴廷明等人以 10年的时间在此基础上进行了采辑、编纂的工作 ,完成了《新安名族志》 ,于嘉靖二十九年刊刻 ;程尚宽认为这个本子还不够完善 ,又进行了“续补” ,增补了大量的内容。该书的版本 ,据调查有 12种 ,分为 2册、4册和 8册装三种 ,4册本和 8册本是程尚宽“续补”后的刊本 ,2册本大多则是戴廷明等人编纂的本子 ,但几种本子都有增删的情况。
The compiling process of The Prominent Lin ea ges in Xin’an (Xin’an Minzu Zhi) is still unclear even though the Japanese s cholar Taga Akigoro and Zheng Limin have conducted some investigation of the iss ue. After analyzing various editions of the prefecture-wide genealogy and other related sources, this study argues that there existed an unprinted version of \[Yuan dynasty\] Chen Li’s Xin’an Dazu Zhi, which Zheng Zuo and Hong Yuan p ublished in the Mid-Ming. Based on this edition, Ye Benjing, Wang Mengzhi and D ai Tingming, after ten years of additional collecting and compiling, produced th e Xin’an Minzu Zhu, which was printed in 1550. Cheng Shangkuan, still unsa tisfied with the 1550 edition, added a large amount of new information and final ly completed Prominent Lineages in Xin’an.
Journal of Anhui University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
Xin’an Minzu Zhi(The Prominent Lineages in X in'an)
various editions