The design of a total energy conserving semi-implicit scheme for the multiple-level baroclinic primitive equation has remained an unsolved problem for a long time. In this work, however, we follow an energy perfect conserving semi-implicit scheme of a European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) type sigma-coordinate primitive equation which has recently successfully formulated. Some real-data contrast tests between the model of the new conserving scheme and that of the ECMWF-type of global spectral semi-implicit scheme show that the RMS error of the averaged forecast Height at 850 hPa can be clearly improved after the first integral week. The reduction also reaches 50 percent by the 30th day. Further contrast tests demonstrate that the RMS error of the monthly mean height in the middle and lower troposphere also be largely reduced, and some well-known systematical defects can be greatly improved. More detailed analysis reveals that part of the positive contributions comes from improvements of the extra-long wave components. This indicates that a remarkable improvement of the model climate drift level can be achieved by the actual realizing of a conserving time-difference scheme, which thereby eliminates a corresponding computational systematic error source/sink found in the currently-used traditional type of weather and climate system models in relation to the baroclinic primitive equations.
The design of a total energy conserving semi-implicit scheme for the multiple-level baroclinic primitive equation has remained an unsolved problem for a long time. In this work, however, we follow an energy perfect conserving semi-implicit scheme of a European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) type sigma-coordinate primitive equation which has recently successfully formulated. Some real-data contrast tests between the model of the new conserving scheme and that of the ECMWF-type of global spectral semi-implicit scheme show that the RMS error of the averaged forecast Height at 850 hPa can be clearly improved after the first integral week. The reduction also reaches 50 percent by the 30th day. Further contrast tests demonstrate that the RMS error of the monthly mean height in the middle and lower troposphere also be largely reduced, and some well-known systematical defects can be greatly improved. More detailed analysis reveals that part of the positive contributions comes from improvements of the extra-long wave components. This indicates that a remarkable improvement of the model climate drift level can be achieved by the actual realizing of a conserving time-difference scheme, which thereby eliminates a corresponding computational systematic error source/sink found in the currently-used traditional type of weather and climate system models in relation to the baroclinic primitive equations.
This research was jointly supported by the National Key Programme for Developing Basic Sciences (G1998040911) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 49675267, 49205058, and 49975020.