Milling Ti alloy is a very difficult technology. The primary problem is that the miller wear is very rapid and makes the miller break or rapture. Although cutting fluid is mainly used to reduce friction and temperature in cutting area to enhance tool life, it is the largest source of environmental pollution. To develop a technology for the clean and efficient milling Ti alloys, nitrogen gas is used as a cutting media in this paper. Based on lots of experiments and researches, the tool life and wear mechanism of high speed steel miller is analyzed. A conclusion is drawn that, milling with nitrogen gas media yields much longer tool life than dry milling. Tool life equations (Taylor′s equations) are derived for both milling types.
钛合金铣削加工中的一个突出问题是刀具寿命短 ,容易出现缺口、崩刃和剥落等现象 ,因而限制了它的进一步推广和使用。目前 ,为了提高刀具寿命 ,人们主要利用切削液来减小铣削过程中的摩擦和热量。然而 ,由于切削液会对环境造成污染 ,不符合绿色制造先进理念的要求。本文通过大量的试验 ,对氮气介质下铣削钛合金时的刀具寿命和磨损特征进行了分析和研究 ,从而得出了在氮气介质下铣削钛合金比干铣削具有明显优势的结论 ,探讨了氮气介质下铣削钛合金时的刀具磨损机理 ,得出了高速钢刀具在氮气介质下铣削和干铣削钛合金时刀具寿命的泰勒公式。
国家自然科学基金 (编号 :5 0 175 0 5 1)~~