Computer aided design on the Internet/Intranet explores new frontiers in design environment. A new Web based CAD system is introduced. The users can install the CAD system on the server to build three dimensional models of products through a Web browser in any operation systems. No system installation and system maintenance are required. A new architecture and the database of system are discussed. The UML models of the system are presented. The proposed organization is implemented on the World Wide Web using Java and CORBA.
介绍了一个新的基于 Web的 CAD系统。用户可以在任何操作系统上 ,通过浏览器来利用安装在服务器上的该 CAD系统进行产品的设计。无需事先安装任何其他软件 ,也不用考虑系统的维护。本文讨论了实现该系统所需的架构和数据库结构。并给出了系统的 UML模型 ,利用 Java和 CORBA在 Web上建立原型系统。