X-ray diffraction and DSC were used to investigate the crystallization behavior of amorphous Al 90Ni 5Ce 5 alloys at different quenching temperatures. All the amorphous Al 90Ni 5Ce 5 alloys quenched at different temperatures crystallize by two stages. The first stage corresponds to FCC Al phase precipitating from the amorphous matrix. The crystallization onset temperature increases with increasing quenching temperature. The quenching temperature also influences the isothermal behaviors. At low quenching temperatures, the FCC Al precipitation is only through grain growth. At high quenching temperatures, the FCC Al precipitation is through growth of quenched-in Al nuclei and nucleation and growth of new crystallites. The reason that the crystallization onset temperature varies with quenching temperature is likely as that the quenched-in Al nuclei decreases with increasing temperature.
X-ray diffraction and DSC were used to investigate the crystallization behavior of amorphous Al 90Ni 5Ce 5 alloys at different quenching temperatures. All the amorphous Al 90Ni 5Ce 5 alloys quenched at different temperatures crystallize by two stages. The first stage corresponds to FCC Al phase precipitating from the amorphous matrix. The crystallization onset temperature increases with increasing quenching temperature. The quenching temperature also influences the isothermal behaviors. At low quenching temperatures, the FCC Al precipitation is only through grain growth. At high quenching temperatures, the FCC Al precipitation is through growth of quenched-in Al nuclei and nucleation and growth of new crystallites. The reason that the crystallization onset temperature varies with quenching temperature is likely as that the quenched-in Al nuclei decreases with increasing temperature.
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China
Project(Y2 0 0 0b0 2 )supportedbytheNaturalScienceFoundationofShandongProvince,China
amorphous alloy
quenching condition