
Approaches to prediction of impact of Qinghai-Tibet Railway construction on alpine ecosystems alongside and its recovery 被引量:9

Approaches to prediction of impact of Qinghai-Tibet Railway construction on alpine ecosystems alongside and its recovery
摘要 With the aid of the Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) technology, the eco-system pattern and fragility distribution maps of the 50-km-wide zone along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway were com-piled and by using the superimposition method, range, area and indexes of the impact of various engineering activities on the ecosystems alongside the railway were studied. By making reference to the ecosystem recovery process of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway, mechanisms of recovery of the al-pine ecosystems alongside the Qinghai-Tibet Railway were studied and extents and rates of the recovery were predicted. The results indicate that the impact of the railway engineer-ing on the Alpine ecosystem depends mainly on how much the original surface soil in the zone has been disturbed and how fragile of the ecosystem per se. Restoration of vegetation coverage and species abundance shows a significantly reverse relationship with disturbance of the original surface soil but an extremely positive one with the length of the restoration period and mean annual precipitation and annual mean rela-tive humidity in the period and no obvious bearings with altitude and temperature. In sections with an annual pre-cipitation over 200 mm, as long as a certain percentage of original soil is left in situ, it takes only 30 years or so for bio-diversity to get basically restored to the original level after the construction is completed but at least 45—60 years or more for vegetation coverage. With the aid of the Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) technology, the eco-system pattern and fragility distribution maps of the 50-km-wide zone along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway were com-piled and by using the superimposition method, range, area and indexes of the impact of various engineering activities on the ecosystems alongside the railway were studied. By making reference to the ecosystem recovery process of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway, mechanisms of recovery of the al-pine ecosystems alongside the Qinghai-Tibet Railway were studied and extents and rates of the recovery were predicted. The results indicate that the impact of the railway engineer-ing on the Alpine ecosystem depends mainly on how much the original surface soil in the zone has been disturbed and how fragile of the ecosystem per se. Restoration of vegetation coverage and species abundance shows a significantly reverse relationship with disturbance of the original surface soil but an extremely positive one with the length of the restoration period and mean annual precipitation and annual mean rela-tive humidity in the period and no obvious bearings with altitude and temperature. In sections with an annual pre-cipitation over 200 mm, as long as a certain percentage of original soil is left in situ, it takes only 30 years or so for bio-diversity to get basically restored to the original level after the construction is completed but at least 45—60 years or more for vegetation coverage.
出处 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2004年第8期834-841,共8页
关键词 青藏铁路 高原植被 生态恢复 恢复预测 生态影响 遥感 地理信息系统 Qinghai-Tibet Railway, alpine vegetation, ecological impact, prediction of recovery.
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