在我国 ,洗浴废水达到城市生活污水量的 30 %。本文针对目前洗浴废水通常作为一次性用水的现象 ,参考各国在污水再利用方面所做的工作 ,结合国内外对洗浴废水处理的研究成果 ,探讨了把洗浴废水处理为浴池补给用水的经济、技术、政策和公众接受观念的可行性 ,分析了现有对洗浴废水的处理方法及其工艺流程。提出将洗浴废水处理为浴池直接的补给水的思路 ,同时 ,通过对洗浴废水的成分分析、各种处理工艺的优缺点比较及处理后水回用的适用场所的讨论 ,论述洗浴废水经处理后达到《生活饮用水卫生标准》的可能性 ,可以安全地用作为浴池补给用水。
Bathing wastewater flow contributed 30% of domestic sewage stream in China. In this paper, aiming at the fact that bathing wastewater is usually used as one-off water, some approaches that treating bathing wastewater to bathing water are discussed on the aspects of economical feasibility, technological feasibility, policy and acceptable quality. In the study, existing ways and flowcharts of treating bathing wastewater are analyzed, and the idea of recycling bathing wastewater as bathing water is discussed for the first time. By analyzing the ingredients of bathing wastewater, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of all the treatment techniques, and discussing the application ranges of the recycled wastewater, it can be seen that the treatment effluent meets the Sanitary Standard for Drinking Water and exposes to no foreseeable health risks for bathing water use.
Techniques and Equipment for Environmental Pollution Control
黑龙江省科技攻关重点项目 (GB0 2C0 2 0 2 0 1)
国家"十五"科技攻关项目 ( 2 0 0 2BA80 6B0 4)