采用了多种培养基 ,对广泛收集的菌种、相关土样进行分离、筛选 ,得到了 8株有效微生物 ,其产生的蛋白酶、脂肪酶、淀粉酶和纤维素酶等酶系可使大分子物质分解成低分子物质 ,微生物摄取这些低分子物质后 ,将其转变成二氧化碳、水和少量氨气并释放能量 ,剩余的少量固体残渣可作为生物肥料。采用以上 8种微生物制成的有机生活垃圾处理剂 ,如配合一定的处理工艺和设备 ,可对日常有机生活垃圾进行减量化和资源化处理。
An effective microbiological garbage treatment agent was prepared by 8 strains of microorganism that isolated and selected from soil using multiple culture media. It was found that the enzyme system existed in the garbage treatment agent possesses the ability of decomposing large molecular materials in domestic organic garbage into small ones, including proteinase, lipase, amylase and cellulase. Then, these small molecular materials were metabolized into CO 2,H 2O and NH 3 by these selected microorganisms, and energy was released. The residue of garbage could be utilized as fertilizer. The experimental results indicated that the microbiological garbage treatment agent enable to realize the decrementlization and resourcelization of domestic organic garbage.
Techniques and Equipment for Environmental Pollution Control