

Coupling Leaching of Sphalerite and Separation of Iron
摘要 提出了闪锌矿直接浸出与混合萃取分离耦合的操作模式,探讨了H2SO4HNO3O2C2Cl4/P204体系的耦合浸出原理与铁的分离利用.结果表明,耦合浸出过程的表观活化能为19.6kJ/mol,锌的浸出分数达0.946,大大高于普通浸出.耦合浸出流程实现了锌、硫和铁的分离,并获得了氧化铁纳米粉. Coupling treatment of oxidation leaching and extraction separation of sphalerite has been put forward, and the mechanisms of leaching with oxidation reagents (H2SO4HNO3O2) and mixed extractive reagents of tetrachloroethylene and 2-ethylhexyl 2-ethylhexylphosphate are discussed. The results show that the process activation energy of coupling leaching is 19.6 kJ/mol and the extracted fraction of zinc is 0.946, which is much higher than that with common leaching. The separation of zinc, sulfur and iron (the iron was obtained in the form of Fe2O3 nano-powder) was completed in the coupled leaching process with Fe2O3 nano-powder obtained.
出处 《过程工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期228-232,共5页 The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:20276074)
关键词 闪锌矿 萃取 耦合浸出 氧化铁纳米粉 sphalerite extraction coupling leaching Fe_2O_3 nano-powder
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