SBS乳化改性沥青具有较好的渗透性、抗疲劳性和防水性,在路面裂缝治理中取得良好效果。SBS乳化改性 沥青稀浆封层具有防渗、抗滑、弥缝和提高路面平整度、改善路面外观的作用,用途广泛。文章还对阳离子乳化沥青与 聚合物乳化沥青的分类及检验标准进行了分析。
With desirable permeability, fatigue resistance and watertightness, SBS modified asphalt emulsion has been used in pavement cracking control effectively. The grout sealing of asphalt pavement is of seepage prevention, skid prevention, sealing, promote the evenness of pavement and improve the pavement outlook, with extensive uses. Analysis has been made on classification and checking standard of cationic asphalt emulsion and polymer asphalt emulsion in this paper.
China Municipal Engineering