带传动中带在楔入和退出轮槽时 ,由于带与轮槽之间存在摩擦 ,会产生效率损失 ,本文对带进入和退出轮槽所产生的摩擦损失进行了详细的研究分析 ,推导了带进入和退出轮槽所产生的功率损失的计算方法 ,分析了它对带传动的效率的影响程度 ,并研究了其与轮槽角的关系。
When the belt enters or exits belt groove, the friction between belt and groove brings power losing. The power loss is analysed and the way for calculating the power loss is worked out. At the end of this paper the ralationship between the power loss and the angle of belt groove and the effect on belt drivers are analysed.
Modern Machinery