高职院校学生工作要紧紧围绕着教学中心展开 ,以提高学生综合素质能力为主要工作脉络 ,完善有形约束与无形熏陶有机结合的制度保障体系 ,重视对学生进行养成教育的过程管理 ,不断充实和丰富教育工作内涵 ,帮助学生形成顺利开始职业生涯所需要的素质与能力。
The students' work in higher vocational colleges should be carried out around the center of teaching, its main task is to improve students' comprehensive quality ability,to perfect the shaped restriction and shapeless edification system guarantee project, to enrich the meaning of education work and to help students posess the necessary quality and ability in their careers.
Journal of Wuhan Institute of Shipbuilding Technology