目的 :探讨抗精神病药物所致便秘的安全、有效的治疗方法。方法 :随机将服用抗精神病药物所致便秘 96例住院精神病患者分为两组 ,各 4 8例 ,观察组用中药芦荟糊敷神阙穴 ,对照组口服蕃泻叶冲剂 ,用药 1次后 ,观察两组疗效。结果 :观察组与对照组在疗效上差异无显著性 (P >0 0 5 )。结论
Objective:To explore for a safe and effective method for treating antipsychotic,agents induced constipaition.Method:96 psychotic in-patients with antipsychotic agents induced constipation were randomly divided into two groups:the observation group(n=48) received aloe-paste on Shenque acu point,the control group(n=48) receiving the therapy of oral administration of liquid senna.The therapeutic effect were observed and compared after administration.Result:There was no significant difference in the therapeutic effects between two groups(P>0.05).Conclusion:Aloe-paste on Shenque acu point can effectively treat antipsychotic agents induced constipation without side-effects.
Journal of Qilu Nursing