[目的 ]探讨不同氧疗方式对早产儿呼吸和经皮氧饱和度(SpO2 )的影响 ,选择较适宜的氧疗方式。 [方法 ]选取不同型号头罩、面罩及箱式吸氧方式 ,并给予不同氧流量 ,利用NAXO2NODELON—2 5AE型氧浓度测定仪分别测试氧浓度 ,根据用氧公式计算鼻导管吸氧的氧浓度 ;另选取 2 0例早产儿 ,根据头罩、面罩测试的安全范围给予不同方式氧疗 ,并监测经皮氧饱和度及面色。 [结果 ]采用不同型号的头罩吸氧其氧浓度高 ,容易发生氧中毒 ;使用面罩吸氧时 ,面罩距离患儿鼻面部 5cm、氧流量 1L/min时 ,SpO2 维持在 94%~ 98% ;氧流量 0 .5L/min时SpO2 维持在90 %~ 95 % ,用氧浓度2 1.6%~ 45 .8% ;箱式吸氧和鼻导管吸氧时浓度较低。 [结论 ]面罩吸氧适合低出生体重儿 ,可替代头罩吸氧 。
Objective: to probe into the influence of taking oxygen in various ways on respiration and SpO 2 for premature infants, to select a proper way of oxygen therapy. Method: to choose different type of head net,facemask and box, and give oxygen inhalation in different ways with different fluxes. Then oxygen inhalation concentration of all premature infants was determined via type NAXO2NODELON-25AE oxygen meter.Oxygen inhalation concentration via nasal tube of premature infants was calculated according to oxygen-taken formula. Another 20 cases of premature infants were selected and oxygen therapies of various modes were applied according to the safety range tested by head net and facemask, and SpO 2 of them and their reaction towards oxygen inhalation were monitored. Results: oxygen concentration in premature infants was relatively high, and it was prone to get oxygen toxicity by taking oxygen with head net in various types.The SpO 2 of premature infants maintained at 94%~98% when they inhaled oxygen with facemask and kept the distance from which to nasal surface at 5 cm and oxygen flux of which at 1 L/min. SpO 2 of premature infants maintained at 90%~95% with oxygen concentration at 21.6%~45.8% when oxygen flux kept at 0.5 L/min.However, oxygen concentration of premature infants was lower when inhaled oxygen by box or nasal tube. Conclusion: inhalation oxygen with facemask is proper to low birth weight infants, which can replace head net, which is also an ideal way to supply oxygen.
Chinese Nursing Research
premature infants
oxygen therapy
oxygen concentration