目的 探讨神经导航下显微神经外科手术治疗丘脑胶质瘤的手术疗效。方法 本组病例 4 5例 ,全部为丘脑胶质瘤 ,均采用 Brain L AB神经导航系统引导显微神经外科手术。结果 本组病例注册误差为 1.3~3.7m m ,平均 2 .4 mm ;寻找肿瘤的成功率为 10 0 % ;全切除 2 3例 (5 1% ) ,次全切 14例 (31% ) ,大部分切除 8例(18% ) ;术后症状改善 4 1例 (91% ) ,无明显改善或加重 4例 (9% ) ;无意识障碍和手术死亡 ,效果良好。结论 神经导航系统引导下的显微神经外科可明显提高丘脑胶质瘤的手术切除率和疗效 ,降低术后并发症和病死率。
Objective To probe into the result of thalamic glioma resection by neuronavigation-guided microneurosurgical treatment.Methods Forty-five cases of thalamic glioma underwent the microneurosurgical resection under the guidance of Brain LAB neuronavigation system.Results Among these cases there appeared a registration error of 1.3~3.7 mm,averaging 2.4 mm;the success rate of tumor localization was 100%;total resection in 23 cases (51%),subtotal resection in 14 cases (31%),and partial resection in 8 cases (18%);postoperative improvement in 41 cases (91%),unclear improvement or even exacerbation in 4 cases (9%);no distrubance of consciousness or death in operation occurred;in a word,the operation got a fairly good result.Conclusion Neuronavigation-guided microneurosurgery can obviously improve the resectability and curative effect on thalamic glioma,reduce any postoperative complications and death rate.
Shanxi Medical Journal