目的 :了解老年人群医疗护理和卫生服务需求的现状 ,为促进社区老年卫生服务的发展提供决策依据。方法 :采用整群抽样并进行入户调查的方法 ,对 2 0 3名家庭病床和护理院的老年人进行调查。结果 :被调查的老年人患有多种慢性病 ,日常生活活动能力 (ADL)减弱甚至丧失 ,迫切希望得到卫生服务和社会的帮助。结论 :老年人口是社区卫生服务的重点人群 ,社区卫生服务应针对目前老年人的需求和经济状况 ,开展一些老年人需要的并且能接受的社区医疗卫生服务。
Objectives: By finding the situation of medical nursing for the elderly and the demand of health services, it provided measures of developing health service of the elderly in community. Methods: 203 subjects of family-bed and elderly nursing-hospital were derived by randomizing cluster sampling method and were interviewed at home. Results: The elderly to be interviewed who were eagerly hoping to get help from health services and society suffered from several chronic diseases and had ability limit or even lost ability on every day's activities. Conclusions: The elderly are the key objects of community health services. Community health services which meet the need of the elders should be conducted according to the demand and financial level of the elderly.
Chinese Health Resources