目的 通过比较两种不同蛙心灌流的方法 ,得到一种更佳的方法。方法 4 0只蟾蜍分成两组 ,每组 2 0只 ,一组以传统的离体蛙心灌流法制备蛙心灌流模型 ,另一种用在体的蛙心作蛙心灌流。结果 传统的蛙心灌流型制备极易造成蛙心的死亡而致实验失败或因蛙心漏液对机械换能器造成损坏。而在体蛙心灌流法操作简便 ,不损坏换能器 ,实验成功率 10 0 %。
Objective To get a better method through comparing two different methods on isolated frog heart infusing.Methods 40 toads was divided into two groups stochastically. One group was made the model in traditional method, another group was made the model with the heart in the body of the toad.Results The traditional method resulted in not only the death of the heart of toads frequently but also the failure of experiment, and it damaged the transducers simultaneity. The new method would avoid the insufficiency of traditional method and the successful rate was 100%.Conclusions The new method of isolated frog heart infusing with the heart in the body of toads is a better way.
Journal of Qiqihar Medical University