目的 探讨白细胞介素 (IL) 10对与枯否细胞 (KC)共培养的肝星状细胞 (HSC)表达转移生长因子 (TGF) β和血小板源生长因子 (PDGF)的影响。 方法 分离培养大鼠的KC ,建立HSC与KC的共培养系统 ,分为 4组 :1组为HSC单独培养组 ;2组为HSC与KC共培养组 ,不加IL 10 ;3组为HSC与KC共培养组 ,加入 1.5 μg/LIL 10 ;4组为HSC与KC共培养组 ,加入 15 .0μg/LIL 10。培养 48h后 ,逆转录 聚合酶链反应 (RT PCR )法检测各组细胞中TGF β和PDGFmRNA的表达。Westernblot法检测各组细胞TGF β和PDGF蛋白的表达。 结果 KC能促进HSC表达TGF β和PDGF ;IL 10能抑制与KC共培养的HSC的TGF β和PDGF的表达。 结论 IL 10能通过KC对HSC的生物学活性产生影响。
Objective To investigate the effect of interleukin 10 on the expression of TGF β and PDGF by hepatic stellate cells co cultured with KC.Methods KC were isolated and purified from rat liver by collagenase IV perfusion and density gradient centrifugation with Nycodenz.Co cultured system of KC and HSC was established.HSC were cultured alone in Group 1.HSC were co cultured with KC in Group 2.HSC co cultured with KC were incubated with 1.50 μg/L and 15 μg/L of IL 10 respectively in group 3 and group 4.RT PCR and Western blot were used to detect the expression of TGF βand PDGF in HSC.Results The expression of TGF β and PDGF by HSC was induced by KC.IL 10 inhibited the TGF β and PDGF expression of HSC induced by KC.Conclusion IL 10 can affect biological activity of HSC by KC mediation.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (30 2 71 2 0 4 )