随着人类基因组测序计划 (humangenomesequenceproject)的完成 ,产生了蛋白质组学 (proteomics) --研究细胞内全部蛋白质的组成及动态变化的一门新兴学科。恶性肿瘤是一种多种基因和蛋白质参与的复杂疾病。综述了在肿瘤防治中蛋白质组学的主要策略和技术 ,及其在肿瘤标志物的筛选和鉴定、肿瘤分类、预后、治疗效果的评价及肿瘤发生机制等方面的研究。
With the completion of the human genome sequence project, proteomics is an emerging research area about the global protein profiles and their dynamic changes in cell. Cancer is a kind of multi-faceted and complex disease involved in multi-genes and proteins. This review focuses on the main strategies and technology in proteomics and its application to cancer prevention and therapy study, including identification of cancer biomarkers, classification and prognosis of cancer,evaluction of therapeutic efficacy as well as elucidation of cancer mechanisms.
China Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment