
胸液细胞DNA倍体分析联合癌胚抗原检测的诊断价值 被引量:1

The diagnostic value of DNA analysis and CEA in malignant pleural effusions
摘要 目的 应用流式细胞术(FCM)测定胸液细胞DNA倍体 ,并同时检测胸液癌胚抗原 (CEA)水平 ,以探讨其在恶性胸液诊断中的价值。方法 65例胸液分为恶性及结核性2组。用FCM检测胸液中DNA倍体 ,同时测定CEA。结果 胸液DNA倍体诊断恶性胸液的敏感度、特异度及诊断指数分别为0.6786、0.9730和0.6516,而CEA的敏感度、特异度及诊断指数分别为0.4643、0.9189和0.3832。2项指标中其中1项阳性,则诊断的敏感度、特异度及诊断指数分别为0.7857、0.8919和0.6776 ,2项指标同时阳性,则特异度达1.00。结论 FCM进行DNA倍体分析是结核性及恶性胸液鉴别的一项指标 ,联合检测CEA 。 Objectives To investigate the diagnostic value of DNA analysis and combined with Carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA)for malignant pleural effusions by FlowCytometry(FCM). Methods By FCMto detect DNA aneuploidy and chemiluminescence Immunization to measure CEA in maˉlignant and tuberculosis pleural effusions. Results The specificity,sensitivity and diagnostic index of DNA analysis and CEA were0.6786,0.9730and0.6516and0.4643,0.9189and0.3832respectively.when the two markers are combined,The specificity,sensitivity and diagnostic indexwere0.7857,0.8919and0.6776as one of the two makers was positive.When the two makers were both positive,the specificity was1.00. Conclusions The detection of DNA aneuploidy by FCMin pleural effusions could be used as a index in differential diagnosis between malignant and tuberculosis pleural effusions,and combined with CEA,the diagnostic value of which could be rised.
出处 《浙江临床医学》 2004年第7期549-550,共2页 Zhejiang Clinical Medical Journal
关键词 DNA倍体 癌胚抗原 联合检测 诊断 胸腔积液 FlowCytometry DNA analysis CEA Pleural effusions
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