
安徽省县级妇产科业务骨干对普遍性防护原则的知-信-行调查 被引量:3

KAP towards Universal Precaution and Occupational Exposure among County Level Key Obstetricians-gynecologists of Anhui Province
摘要 目的 了解县级妇产科业务骨干对普遍性防护原则的知识、态度和行为以及职业暴露和防护情况。方法 采用半结构式问卷方法 ,对参加安徽省降低孕产妇死亡专题县级师资培训班的学员进行自填式问卷调查。结果 有 1 5 %的人听说过普遍性防护原则 ,有 2 5 4%的人能正确地写出普遍性防护原则的内容 ;没有人能正确回答出污染针头刺伤传播艾滋病病毒的概率 ,3 3 6%的人知道针头刺伤传播乙型肝炎病毒的概率 ;1 68%的人在工作中遇到过感染了艾滋病病毒的患者 ,96 61 %人在工作中遇到过感染了乙型肝炎的患者 ;妇检、产检和全身检查时戴手套的频率分别是 95 76%、 1 1 0 2 %和 6 78% ,妇检比其他两类检查高 (P <0 0 1 ) ;妇检、产检和全身检查前后洗手的频率分别是 84 75 %、 77 3 9%和 73 0 4% ,妇检洗手率比其他两类检查高 (均P <0 0 5 ) ;其中妇检同全身检查的洗手率比较 (P <0 0 5 ) ,产检同全身检查的洗手率比较没有显著性差异。结论 安徽省县级妇产科工作人员对普遍性防护原则的了解程度有限、对职业暴露的危险性认识不足、存在明显的职业暴露现象 ,且县级医院和妇幼保健机构在妇产科职业防护方面措施不到位。 Objective To investigate the knowledge, attitudes, and practice towards universal precautions and frequency of occupational exposure among the county level key obstetricians-gynecologists in Anhui province. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among 119 county level key obstetricians-gynecologists, 1 male and 118 females, aged 39.32, 46 at the level of secondary education and 53 at the level of higher education, who participated in a provincial workshop using self administered semi-structured questionnaire. Results Eighteen out of the 119 respondents (15%) had heard of universal precautions, but only 3 of them made a correct description. None of them knew the probability of HIV transmission by stab of contaminated needle, 4 of them (3.36%) knew the probability of HBV transmission by stab of contaminated needle. Two of them (1.68%) believed they had contacted patients with HIV infection and 114 believed they had contacted patients with hepatitis B virus infection. The frequency of gloves utilization was 95.76%, 11.02%, and 6.78% during gynecological, prenatal and general physical examination respectively with a significantly higher rate during gynecological examination than during the other 2 kinds of examination(both P<0.01).The frequency of hand-washing was 84.75%,77.39%, and 73.04% during gynecological, prenatal and general physical examination respectively with a significantly higher rate during gynecological examination than during the other 2 kinds of examination (both P<0.05).Conclusion The knowledge of universal precautions and self protection during professional practice among the county level key obstetricians-gynecologists is still limited. Occupational exposure exists. The data obtained from the survey serves as the basis of targeted health education.
出处 《中国健康教育》 2004年第7期587-589,共3页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
关键词 普遍性防护原则 职业暴露 妇产科医生 Universal Precautions, Occupational Exposure, Obstetrician-gynecologists
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