非哺乳期妇女出现乳头溢液 ,既是乳腺良恶性病变三大常见症状之一 ,亦可能是全身性内分泌疾病的局部表现 ,以及用药引起的一过性溢液。多孔或双侧乳腺乳头溢液常是乳腺良性疾病或内分泌疾病所致。而单孔血性溢液则多见于乳腺肿瘤。溢液的实验室检查 ,以及乳房乳管的影像学检查和内视镜检查有助于明确诊断。除乳腺肿瘤需手术治疗外 ,乳头溢液一般多采用药物治疗 。
The nipple discharge in nonlactation women is one of the common symptoms of breast lesion.It may be also the local manifestation of endocrinopathy as well as the temporary phynomenon caused by medicine.The nipple discharge occured in double sides of breast is often seen in benign disease or endocripathy.However,the nipple bloody discharge occured in one side of breast is often found in mastadenoma.The laboratory test,image examination for breast duct and endoscopy will benefit the accurate diagnosis.Except the breast carcinoma need to be operated,nipple discharge only need to be treated by medicine and the patients must come to hospital for physical examination periodically.
Acta Medicinae Sinica