分析了 SARS一线医护人员实行轮换的利弊。实行轮换制度有利于降低医护人员的感染率、有利于一线人员的心理健康、有利于锻炼培养医护人员、有利于培养团队精神。实行轮换带来的弊端是 :不利于医护人员对自身防护经验的积累 ,影响医疗质量的提高、不利于医院正常秩序的维护和管理、不利于临床技术骨干的培养 ,对科研工作的开展带来了不少困难。因此 ,今后医院在危机管理中应注重建立应对突发事件的医疗救治专业技术队伍 ;加强对传染的前瞻性防治研究 ,特别是对已在国际上流行的传染性强 ,对人类危害最大的传染病的预防。
The author analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of taking turns in doctors and nurses fighting against SARS. Taking turns is benefit for lowering infection rate, for mental health in medical staff, for training medical staff, for fostering commodity in group. The disadvantages are as followed: not good for accumulating experiences for self prevention, for medical quality, for maintaining and management of hospital, for bringing up clinic talents, and bringing difficulties to scientific research. Therefore, hospital should pay attention to establishing professional team fighting against sudden events in crisis management, strengthening research on preventing infectious diseases, especially the diseases endangered human race.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army