本文以《张家山汉墓竹简〔二四七号墓〕》中的《算数书》的数学用语为研究对象 ,主要参考了《九章算术》 ,对两部大型语文辞书的收词释义从以下三方面进行了增补 :增补词条 ;增加义项 ;
This paper is based on the Suan Shu Shu mathematical term of bamboo slips, which was unearthed from Han Dynasty No. 247 tomb located at Zhang jiashan, mainly refering to Jiu Zhang Suan Shu. It sets about from three aspects: increase lemma; subjoin meaning and move up the prime-appear book. From that, it supplements the paraphrase of The Chinese Big Dictionary and The Chinese Big lexicon.
Journal of Yibin University