目的 用体外实验观察中药桑叶、鸭跖草对正常人外周血Th1 、Th2 细胞IFN γ、IL 4水平的影响。方法 选取健康献血员 3 0名无菌采集静脉抗凝血 ,用淋巴细胞分离液分离外周血单核细胞 (PBMC) ,并调成 1× 10 6 /ml浓度加PHA P10 μg/ml。分二组 ,分别加入含中药桑叶、鸭跖草的小鼠血清及不含药小鼠血清(对照 ) ,置 5 %CO2 细胞培养箱 3 7℃孵育 48h ,取上清液川流式细胞术检测IFN γ、IL 4水平。结果 正常人外周血单核细胞Th1 /Th2 处于动态平衡 ;桑叶组Th1 、Th2 细胞的IFN γ、IL 4水平明显升高 ,与对照组相比P<0 0 5 ;鸭跖草组Th1 、Th2 细胞的两类细胞因子水平虽有所上升 ,但与对照纽相比不显著 (P >0 0 5 )。结论 中药桑叶具有提高正常人Th1 、Th2 细胞的IFN γ、IL 4水平 ,鸭跖草的作用不明显。
Objective To explore the influence of mulberry leaves and commelina communis on IFN-γ and IL-4 level in human peripheral blood Th_1\Th_2 cells. Methods The peripheral blood monocytes (PBMC) were isolated by lymphocyte separation solution form 30 health volunteers, which were diluted to the concentration of 1×10 6/ml with PHA-P (10μg/ml). The samples were separated into three groups and treated with mouse serum containing commelina communis, mouse serum containing mulberry leaves and simple mouse serum respectively. The level of IFN-γ and IL-4 in Th_1\Th_2 cells were determined by flow cytometry after 48 hours cultured in 5% CO_2 incubator at 37℃. Results The level of IFN-γ and IL-4 in two experimental groups was higher than that in control group, but the increase only in one experimental group with mulberry leaves had statistical significance compared with the control group. Conclusions The results suggest that mulberry leaves can improve the level of IFN-γ and IL-4 level of Th_1\Th_2 cells in health human peripheral blood.
Zhejiang Journal of Preventive Medicine