2 1世纪 ,网络技术已渗透到社会生活的各个方面 ,面对网络信息时代 ,作为信息机构之一的图书馆在这场技术革命中 ,面临着新机遇和挑战 ,网络技术正将传统的图书馆推向全球一体化、网络化的新境地。图书馆读者服务工作在服务对象 ,服务内容 ,服务手段、服务模式等方面发生了很大的变化 。
As an information provider, libraries are faced with new challenges and opportunities under network environment Network technology promotes traditional libraries to become globalized and networked Reader service, which has new functions and characteristics in the new era, has changed a lot in service object, service content, service means, and service mode
Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture