20 0 0年 5月 7日普京再次就任俄罗斯联邦总统后 ,一直重视进行行政改革。2 0 0 0年 5月~ 2 0 0 3年 4月期间 ,普京首次倡导的行政改革 ,加强了中央对地方的垂直领导 ,对维护联邦统一、主权和领土完整具有重要意义。 2 0 0 3年 5月 ,普京总统再次倡导行政改革。其第一阶段是压缩国家职能 ,精简执行权力机关 ,以提高执行权力机关的工作效率 ,有利于市场经济的发展 ;其第二阶段是通过完善行政诉讼程序和司法机关体系 ,以建立有效地解决公民和国家之间纠纷的机制。目前 ,普京总统再次倡导的行政改革第一阶段工作已经结束。本文拟研究、介绍俄罗斯联邦第二次行政改革的任务 。
After assuming the third Russian presidency on May 7, 2000, President Putin always highlighted administrative reform. The administrative reform he first sponsored between May 2000 and April 2003 strengthened the perpendicular leadership of central authorities over localities, showing great importance to the defense of federative unification, sovereignty and territorial integrity.In May 2003, Putin again encouraged the administrative reform. The first stage was to reduce state functions, streamline executive and power organs so as to upgrade their work efficiency and facilitate market economy development. The second stage is to set up effective mechanism to settle disputes between citizens and the state through improving the procedure of administrative litigation and the system of judicial organs.Presently, the first stage of the administrative reform that Putin once again championed has come to an end. This article is intended to study and give an account of the second administrative reform. It is to expound the process and final results of the first-stage endeavors.
Russian,East European & Central Asian Studies