Lying in the confluent district of several cultural systems and regions, the southwestern Shandong, eastern Henan and northern Anhui areas have all along drawn great attention from archaeological circles for the complexity of their cultural aspect. The Yuchisi site revealed through large-scale excavations is just located in this district. The Mongcheng Yuchisi: Excavation and Study of a Neolithic Settlement-site in Northern Anhui issues all the material achieved in the nine seasons of excavation on this site. Its publication provides very important data for clarifying the cultural nature of the late Neolithic remains in this district, as well as for settlement archaeology and environmental archaeology in the light of late Dawenkou Culture remains.
Lying in the confluent district of several cultural systems and regions, the southwest- ern Shandong, eastern Henan and northern Anhui areas have all along drawn great attention from ar- chaeological circles for the complexity of their cultural aspect. The Yuchisi site revealed through large-scale excavations is just located in this district. The Mongcheng Yuchisi: Excavation and Study of a Neolithic Settlement-site in Northern Anhui issues all the material achieved in the nine seasons of ex- cavation on this site. Its publication provides very important data for clarifying the cultural nature of the late Neolithic remains in this district, as well as for settlement archaeology and environmental archaeolo- gy in the light of late Dawenkou Culture remains.