在GCr15钢球上电镀软金属 Ag,Cu,Zn 层,在32~# 机械油的边界润滑状态下,其上、下球镀层分别是无镀层抗胶合能力的 9.84,5.4,4.0倍。经过 40 min低载荷运转证明,镀层可有效地减少基体的磨损,而且磨痕面光滑。测定了在一定载荷范围内的摩擦系数。镀 Ag 层的摩擦系数较低,其值稳定在0.05左右;镀Cu层摩擦系数值稳定在0.055左右。对镀液的性质、镀层的厚度进行了相应的探讨。对试验结果及现象做了一定的分析。
The tribological properties of coatings electroplated with such soft metals as Ag. Cu or Zn on CCr15 steel baits were researched on a SQ-3 Four-Ball test machine under the conditions of boundary lubrication with 32# mobile oil used. The scoring resistances of upper and lower balls electroplated with Ag. Cu or Zn are found 9. 84, 5. 4 and 4. 0 times as high as those of non-electroplated balls, respectively. After low-load running for 40 minutes, it was proved that the electroplated coatings can efficiently reduce the abrasion wear on substrate with a smooth surface worn off. Friction coefficients were measured with a certain range of loads applied to i. e. the friction coefficient of Ag-electroplated coating is relatively small and its stable value is about 0. 05. while of Cu-electroplated coating is about 0. 055. properties of electroplating solution and coating thickness were properly discussed with experimental results and some findings taken into account.
electroplating, soft metal, boundary lubrication, scoring resistance, friction coefficient, grinding crack.