三十年代以《子夜》为代表的茅盾的都市小说在当时取得了很高的成就 ,其小说中表现出来的都市的丰富性和现代性特征 ,是同时代作家难以企及的 ,在左翼作家中更是绝无仅有的。茅盾看到了中国大都市在外来文化的影响下所产生的巨大变化。然而 ,作为左翼作家 ,他又受到左翼思潮的影响 ,在现代性的选择上表现出偏颇 ,影响了其对都市文化的深入挖掘。尽管其小说表现出了都市丰富性和复杂性 ,但都市生活仍被其简化 ,使其小说在思想、艺术上呈现出不足 ,并对后来的都市小说产生了一定的影响。
The urban novel of Mao Dun′s, such as “midnight”, gained big success in 1930′s. The variety and modernity of his urban novel are unreachable by the writers of the times, and it made him in a class by himself in the left wing writers. It′s true that Mao dun had perceived the great changes in the Chinese cites that influenced by the foreign cultures, but the trend of left wing thoughts still affected his insights of the modernity, which made him can′t go deep into the city cultures and made his urban novel simplification in some degrees. And this also had influences on the urban novels afterward.
Research of Chinese Literature