
论中国外贸管理法的范式转换——全球治理与公共行政的视角 被引量:1

On the Transfer of Paradigm of China's Foreign Trade Administration Law: From the perspectives of global governance and public administration
摘要 中国加入WTO旨在积极参与、有效利用多边贸易体制,分享国际贸易增长与世界经济发展的成果。本文从全球治理与公共行政视角出发,认为有必要从法律内容、法律功能、法律价值及法律实现等方面实现我国外贸管理法的范式转换。法律内容方面,实现以实体规则为导向到以程序规则为导向的转换;法律功能方面,实现防御型立法到防御型与进取型立法相结合的转换;法律价值方面,实现“公共利益为导向”到“以私人利益为导向”与“公共利益为导向”相结合的转换;法律实现方面,实现从“政府主导型”模式到“政府主导型”与“私人驱动型”相结合的转换。 It is to participate in and take effectively advantage of the multilateral trade system and share the benefits therein that China want to do with its accession to the WTO. From the global governance and public administration, the transfer paradigm of China's foreign trade administration law is needed in the respects of content, function, value and realization of law. As for the law content, the substantive rule-oriented legislation should be transferred to procedural rule-oriented legislation; as for the function of law, the defense-oriented legislation should be combined with aggression-oriented legislation; as to the value of law, the public value-oriented legislation should be transferred to combine with private interest-oriented legislation and as to the realization of law, the government -oriented realization should be transferred to the combination with private-oriented realization . Lastly, the essay conducts an empirical study on the foreign trade barriers legislation.
作者 蔡从燕
机构地区 厦门大学
出处 《现代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第4期182-189,共8页 Modern Law Science
基金 司法部重点课题<加入世界贸易组织与中国外贸法改革>(SFB021015)
关键词 中国 外贸管理法 公共行政 法律价值 法律内容 贸易体制 激励机制 foreign trade administration content of law function of law value of law realization of law
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