The distribution of choline-acetyltransferase (ChAT)-like immunoreactive structure inthe one day chicken diencephalons was examined by the method of streptavidin-Perosidase(SP) immunocytochemistry. It was found that ChAT immunoreactive neurons and fiberspresented in many regions of one day chicken. Neural structure containing cholinergicneurons with varying density and immunoreactivity were the N. habexularis lateralis andN. habexularis medialis of the epithalamus, the N. rotundus, N. Ovoidalis, N. subrotundusand N. geniculatus lateralis of the thalamus, the hypothalamus, the N. decussationissupraopticae dorsalis of stratathalamus. There were also many varicose and nonvaricosefibers and terminals in the N. geniculatus lateralis and the hypothalamus. The resultssuggested that the diencephalons of one day chicken is richly innervated by the cholinergicneuron system.
The distribution of choline-acetyltransferase (ChAT)-like immunoreactive structure inthe one day chicken diencephalons was examined by the method of streptavidin-Perosidase(SP) immunocytochemistry. It was found that ChAT immunoreactive neurons and fiberspresented in many regions of one day chicken. Neural structure containing cholinergicneurons with varying density and immunoreactivity were the N. habexularis lateralis andN. habexularis medialis of the epithalamus, the N. rotundus, N. Ovoidalis, N. subrotundusand N. geniculatus lateralis of the thalamus, the hypothalamus, the N. decussationissupraopticae dorsalis of stratathalamus. There were also many varicose and nonvaricosefibers and terminals in the N. geniculatus lateralis and the hypothalamus. The resultssuggested that the diencephalons of one day chicken is richly innervated by the cholinergicneuron system.
The project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(39670550),the authors also thank Xu Xiaoming for laboratory assistance.