加强高校系部领导班子作风建设,要按照党的十六大精神的要求,以郑培民同志为榜样,以提高素质、开 拓创新、心系群众、清正廉洁为重点,建设一个素质高、作风正、团结紧的领导班子,以此推进系部的建设与发展。
To better cultivate a fine work style of the departmental leading group in institutions of higher learning, we should, taking Zhen Pei-min as a model and in accordance with the gist of the sixteenth congress of the party, place priority on improving the quality of the leaders, strengthening their immunity to corruption, cultivating their innovative and pioneering spirits, making sure that they maintain close ties with the masses, and thereby build a leading group with a high quality, down-to-earth work style and solidarity, so as to promote the construction and the development of departments.
institutions of higher learning
departmental leading group
cultivation of work style