Genera Hayatia Viggiani and Prestwichia Lubbock are first recorded for Chinese trichogrammatid fauna. Three new species are described. All type specimens on slides are deposited in the Biological Control Research Institute, Fujian Agriculural College.A study of the male genitalia of 2 new species of Hayatia has revealed that this genus is closely allied to Eteroligosita Viggiani. According to the male genitalia of known species of Trichogrammatidae described by Viggiani(1971, 1884), et al. and since the shape of the male genitalia of both genera, Hayatia and Eteraligosita, is unique in the bisegmented aedeagus and other characteristics, a new tribe Eteroligositini, next to Oligositini under the subfamily Oligositinae, is proposed for the reception of them.1. Hayatia tortuosa sp. nov. (figs. 1—6)It resembles H. indica, but differs from the latter in the proportional lengths of antennal segments, the shape of antenna and male genitatia, the antennal funicle notably larger and the bisegmented aedeagus strongly contorted.Holotype (?), Shouning County (27.3°N, 119.3°E), Fujian Province. Aug. 6, 1986, coll by Liu Gao-sheng. Allotype ♀, same locality as holotype, June 14, 1987, coll. by Lin Ping-hui Paratypes 1(?), 1♀, same data as holotype.Host unknown.2. Hayatia latiuscula sp. nov. (figs. 7—9)This new species is distinctly separatable from the other two known species of this genus in forewing wider, discal cilia denser and the bisegmented aedeagus uncontorted.Female unknown.Holotype (?), Songxi County (27.4N, 118.4°E), Fujian Province. July 23, 1987, coll. by Wu Zu-iian.Host unknown.3. Prestwichia multiciltata sp. nov. (figs. 10—13)It is similar to P. indica, but can be recognized from the latter in more numerous discal cilia on forewing, reticulated mesonotum and different proportional lengths of antennal segments.Male unknown.Holotype ♀, Fuzhou (26.0°N, 119.2°E), Fujian Province. July 3, 1987, Lin Nai-quan collected from yellow-pan trap. Paratypes 8♀♀, same data as holotype, 1♀, Shouning County (27.3°N, 119.3°E), Fujian Province, June 11, 19 87, Lin Ping-hui collected from yellow-pan trap.Host unknown.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
new species.