本文记述产于云南、福建两省的四种蜘蛛,其中盗蛛属(Pisaura)两新种,潮蛛属(Hygropoda)两新种。这些新种都有详细描述,同时绘有触肢器和外雌器特征图。我国已纪录的Hygropoda higenaga(Kishida,1936),在湖南省绥宁县黄桑乡采到。全部模式标本保存在湖南省生物研究所(量度单位:mm)。
This paper deals with four new species of the Hygropoda and Pisaura collected from Yun-nan and Hunan Provinces. All the type specimens are deposited in Hunan Biology ResearchInstitute. Hygropoda hippcrepiforma sp. nov.(figs. 1-4) Holotype, allotype, Mengna(101.25°E, 21.08°N), Yunnan Province, July 8, 1981, WangJia-Fu. Holotype. total length 9.20, carapace 4.30×3.70, abdomen 5.30×2.40. Median band of carapace yellowish brown. Lateral longitudinal band and submarginalband of carapace brown. Rim of carapace blackish brown. Chelicera brown, with three pro-and 3 retromarginal teeth. Leg formula 1,4,2,3. Dorsum of abdomen greyish brown. Venter ofabdomen yellowish brown. Epigynal pit U-shaped Allotype, total length 10.40, carapace 4.80×4.20, abdomen 5.80×2.40. Colour and pat-tern is similar to holotype. Distal end of tibial apophysis and median apophysis branch-shaped. This new species is similar to Hygropoda higenaga (Kishida, 1936) in the pattern of abdo-men and tibia of palpal organ, out distinguished from the latter in the distal end of tibial apo-physis, median apophysis and epigynal pit. Hygropoda taeniata sp. nov. (figs. 5) Holotype, Mengnong (100.40°E, 21.15°N), Yunnan Province, July 27, 1983. Zou Ku-Mei. Total length 8.10, carapace 3.00×2.50, abdomen 5.60×2.10. Median band and submarginal band of carapace yellowish brown. Lateral longitudinalhand and rim of carapace blackish brown. Chelicera yellowish brown with two promarginaland three retromarginal teeth. Leg formula 1,2,4,3. Dorsum of abdomen greyish black. Car-diac pattern yellowish brown on median and deep brown on sides. Venter of abdomen yello-wish brown. This new species is most similar to Hygropoda higenaga (Kishida, 1936), but differs fromthe latter in the epigynum. Pisaura zonaformis sp. nov. (figs. 6-10) Holotype, allotype, paratype 1 immature, Mengnong, Yunnan Province, July 30, 1981, Wang Jia-Fu. Holotype, total length 9.10, carapace 3.40×2.60, abdomen 5.80×2.00. Median band of carapace yellowish brown. Lateral longitudinal of carapace blackishbrown. Submarginal band and rim yellowish brown. Ant-lateral part of median furrow withblackish grey pattern as in triangle-shaped. Chelicera yellowish brown, with three pro-andretrmarginal teath. Leg formula 1,2,4,3. Dorsum of abdomen blackish brown. Venter of ab-domen yellowish brown. Epigynum and vulva as in figs. 9, 10. Allotype, total length 9.30, carapace 3.90×3.10, abdomen 5.50×1.50. Carapace, sternum, chelicera, maxilla, labium and legs yellowish brown. Pattern of ab-domen is similar to holotype. Tibial apophysis branch-shaped. Conductor and middle hae-matodocha very larg. This new species is similar to Pisaura lama Boes. et Str., 1906, but differs from the latterin the tibial apophysis, conductor and epigynum. Pisaura lantanus sp. nov. (fig. 11). Holotype, Chongan (26.23°N, 110.25°E), Fujian Province, July 15, 1986, Wang Jia-Fu.Total length 9.70, carapace 4.20×3.70, abdomen 6.30×2.30. Carapace yellowish brown. Cervical groove and radial furrow brown, covered with whitehairs. Chelicera yellowish brown, with four pro- and retromarginal teeth. Leg formula1,4,2,3. Dorsum of abdomen yellowish brown, with brown pattern on median line. Venter ofabdomen brown. Epigynum lantern-shaped. This new species is similar to Pisaura bursa (Clerck, 1757), but differs from the latter inthe epigynum.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
new species