叶?在我国原记载2种,作者查看了采自江南7省区的标本30多件。共鉴定为8种,加上原有纪录的一未见种,我国总计9种,其中包括5新种和2种我国新纪录,本文主要记述4新种,属于丽叶?亚属的一新种已另文发表;并编制了我国产叶?的种检索表。 叶?多分布在雨量充沛地区,特别是热带岛屿,而本文中的泛叶?却采自远离海岸1200多km的贵州北部,以及藏叶?乃发现于北纬 29.2°的西藏墨脱,这对世界有关分类区系的研究,提供了新的资料。
Formerly only two species of Phyllium were recorded from China. In recent years. morethan 30 specimens from southern China have been examined by the author. of which 8 specieswere identified. Among them. 5 are new to science. but 4 new species are described in thispaper. the other one has been published; 2 species, Phyllium (Phyllium) westwoodi wood-Ma-son and Ph. (Ph.) celebicum de Haan are reported for the first time from this country. Sofar, 9 species altogether are recorded from China. A key to the Chinese species of Phylliumis provided. It is generally believed that these leaf insects are entirely confined to the moist humidparts. especially to the tropical islands. However. it is of interest to note that Ph. (Ph.) ce-lebicum was collected in north Guizhou Province more than 1200 kilometers far from the sea.and Ph. (Ph.) tibetente sp. nov. from Motuo. Tibet. 29.2° north latitude. The measurments given in the descriptions are uniformly in millimeters. Phyllium (Phyllium) tibetense sp nov. (figs: 3-5) The new species resembles Ph(Ph.) celebicum de Haan. but differs from it in size larger:all tibiae each with a distinct small lobe on the outer side near the apex: 7th segment of the ab-domen suddenly narrowed behind the middle: operculum distinctly exceeding the tip of 10thtergite and the shape of oviporsitor is different. Female: length of body 106. 5, length of head 9.8, length of pronotum 6.8, length of me-sonotum 6. 0, length of metanotum (with median segment) 7.3, length of median segment (1stabdominal segment) 3. 0, length of tegmina 63. 6, length of wings 49. 5, length of anteriorfemora 25.2. width of anterior femora 21. 4, (width of outer lobe 13.1, inner lobe 8.3), lengthof median femora, 19.2, length of poderior femora 22.0, length of abdomen 69.5, width ofabdomen (4th abdomen segment) 48.5. Holotype, Motuo (28.2°N, 95.3°E), Xizang (Tibet), Ⅷ 6, 1979. Preserved in Shanghai Institute of Entomology, Academia Sinica. Phyllium (Phyllium) rarum sp. nov.(figs. 13-14) The new species is similar to Ph. (Ph.) siccifolium (Linnaeus). but differs in anterior fe-mora of female with a large triangular outer lobe. much larger than the inner lobe: vena dis-coidalis close to vena ulnaris in the middle; wings well developed, almost reaching the poste-rior margin of the 6th abdominal segment: abdomen lanceolatus. 8th-10th terminal segmentsof abdomen together trianguiar in shape. Female: length of body 88.1, length of head 7.4, length of pronotum 5.4, length of me-sonotum 5.0, length of metanotum (with median segment) 7.2, length of median segment 3.4,length of tegmina 56. 2, length of wings 44.8, length of anterior femora 19.3, width of ante-rior femora 16. 2, (width of outer lobe 10.1, width of inner lobe 6.1), median femora missing,length of posterior femora 16.5, length of abdomen 57.8, width of abdomen (middle of4th abdomen segment) 30.5. Holotype, Hexian (24.4°N, 111.5°E). Guangxi Province X 16, 1964. Preserved in theInstitute of Zoology, Academia Sinica. Beijing. Phyllium (Phyllium) parum sp. nov.(figs. 15-16) The new species is somewhat similar to Ph. (Ph.) siccifolium (Linnaeus), but smallar: an-terior femora with external triangularly lobed: abdomen elliptical. of which. indistinctly nar-row behind the middle: and the shape of abdominal terminal segments also different. Male: length of body 61.6, length of head 5.0, length of pronotum 3.4, length of meso-notum 2.8, length of metanotum (with median segment) 6.4, length of median segment 2.4,length of tegmina 18.0 length of wings 47.5, length of anterior femora 13.6, width of ante-rior femora 7.8, (width of outer lobe 4.0, width of inner lobe 3.8), length of median femo-ra 10.2, length of posterior femora 12.2, length of abdomen 41.0, width of abdomen (5th ab-dominal segment) 17.8. Holotype. Daling. Baisha (19.3°N, 109.6°E), Hainan Province. Ⅶ. 1972. Preserved inBeijing Agricultural University. Paratypes: 3. Hainan Province and one, Guangxi Provinces. It is possible that the present species is the male of Ph. (Ph.) rarum sp. nov., but I couldnot sure. Phyllium (
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica