本文描述采自我国湖北神农架林区的管巢蛛属一新种,即曲管巢蛛Clubiona flexa sp.nov。本种略似Clubiona hummeli Schenkel 1937,但二者外生殖器有明显差别。
This present paper deals with a new species of the spider of the genus Clubiona fromShennongjia forest area of Hubei, China. Clubiona flexa sp. nov. (figs. 1--4) Holotype: , allotype: , paratypes: 3 8 . Hubei Province (31. 7°N, 110. 6°E),June. 18--August. 8, 1986,collected by Chen Jian. All the type specimens are kept in the De-partment of Biology, Bethune Medical University. Female: Total length 5. 84mm. Carapace yellowish brown. Chelicerae with five pro-marginal teeth and three retromarginal teeth. Leg formula: 4, 2, 1, 3. Abdomen yel-low. Epigynum with a black sclerite. Copulatory opening oval in shape. Spermathecae dividedinto two parts, tube shaped. Male:Total length 4. 26 mm. Similar to female. Palpi as shown in figures 3 & 4. The male spider of the new species resembles Clubiona hummeli Schenkel 1937,but theycan be distinguished by the structure of male palp.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica