本文记述棘腹蛙Rana boulengeri Gunther体内寄生的两种文献中未报道过的原生动物,一种是利川锥虫新种,Trypanosoma lichuanensis sp.nov,其主要特征是,鞭毛较粗,一般不伸出体外,故不形成游离的鞭毛;另一种是蛙两极虫新种,Myxidium boulengeri sp.nov,孢子卵形,两端钝圆,壳厚,壳面光滑,缝线直而宽。
The present paper notes on two new species of parasitic protozoa from Rana boulengeriGunther, namely Trypanosoma lichuanensis sp. nov.,Myxidium boulengeri sp. nov. and theircharacteristics are described below. Type specimens are deposited in Department of Fish Diseases Laboratory, Institute ofHydrobiology, Academia Sinica. 1. Trypanosoma lichuanensis sp. nov. (figs 1--3) Host and site Blood of Rana boulengeri. Locality Fubao Mountain (30. 28°N,108. 80°E)Lichuan County, Hubei Province. Dete July 24--25,1990. Body elongate with both ends slightly pointed and twisted always as 'S' or 'U' in move-ment. Body 56. 4(48--74. 4)μm in length, 5. 7(3. 1--8. 4)μm in width; nucleus oval or roundin shape, 3. 1--4. 9μm in diameter, situated in middle by anterior, 23. 7(16. 8--41. 4)μm dis-tance to anterior end and 28. 8(24. 0--40. 8)μm distance to posterior end; kinetoplast round,distinct, 0. 7--0. 9μm in diameter and sometimes may appear a small granule by its side and8. 1--15. 0μm distance to posterior end. A flagellum, rather thick, stained easily, and arisingfrom kineoplast going along border of undulating membrane to front body, but not forming afree flagellum; undulating membrane distinct, relatively wide with 3--5 indistinct folds and2. 4 μm in maximum width. Cytoplasm uniform with some small vacuoles. The shape of this trypanosome, position of its nucleus and kinetoplast are similar tothose of Trypanosoma milailovi Guseinov and T. inopinatum Sergent &. Sergent, especially ap-proximate T. inopinatum, but this new species differs from them in its large size, more foldsof undulating membrane and no free flagellum. 2. Myxidium boulengeri sp. nov. (figs 4--11) Host and site Gallbladder of Rana boulengeri. Locality Fubao Mountain (30. 28°N, 108. 80°E),Lichuan County, Hubei Province. Date July 24--25, 1990. Amoeboid trophozoite unknown. Spore oval or round to ellipsoid in thecal view, fusiformin sutural view, blunt in each end; wall thick,shell smooth without any striations or process-es and with some irregular folds on spore surface. Sutural ridge distinct, straight and relative-ly wide, length of spore 13. 3 (12. 0--14. 2 ) μm, width 9. 3 (7. 4--10. 8)μm and 7. 8μm inthickness; width of sutural ridge 2. 4μm. Two polar capsules, pyriform, situated in both endsof spore and occuped about 4. 0μm distance, pore of polar filament arranged at both ends andopening in different position in few spores; polar capsule 4. 6 (4. 2--4. 8) μm in length, 3. 5(3. 0--3. 6)μm in width and with 4--5 coiled filament. Sporoplasm very few, uniform and arounded germinal nucleus can be seen sometimes. According to its shape, size of spore, and shape and site of polar capsule as well as sutu-ral ridge’s form, this myxidium is similar to Myxidium serotinum Kudo et Sprague, Myxidiumimmersum Lutz,but this new species is different by having no striation on shell surface, andits spore wall and sutural ridge relatively thick.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
new species