本文为中国摇蚊亚科系列报道之三,记述了中国产哈摇蚊属 Harnischia Kieffer 5种,其中包括3个新种,1个新纪录种及短叶哈摇蚊H.curtilamellta.
In this paper three new species of Harnischia are described, and H. japonica Hashimotoand H. curtilamellata (Mallch) are recorded. The type specimens are deposited in the Biology Department of Nankai University. Harnischia longispuria sp. nov. (fig. 1) Imago male: Pale green, body length 3. 0mm. AR 2. 0. Frontal tubercles present, length10. 2 Micron, width 8 micron. Palp segments length: 0. 03, 0. 11, 0. 11, 0. 16 mm. Ground color of scutum pale green, stipes yellowish brown. Acrostichals 5, dorsocentrals7, scutellaris 2. Wing length about 1. 47 mm. R with 3 setae, squama fringe present. Anal loberounded. LR<sub>1</sub>2. 7, LR<sub>2</sub>0. 71, LR<sub>3</sub> lack. Middle and hind legs with combs and spurs. Hind tibialspur prominently elongate and curved (fig. 1a). Abdominal segments all pale green. Hypopygium (fig. 1b):Anal point slightly spatulate, with rounded apex and 4--5 lateralsetae basally. Gonocoxite short and broad, with a mesal protuberance bearing a group ofstrong setae. Holotype , Hainan Province (Jianfengling, 18. 7°N, 108. 8°E),Apr. 7, 1985. Allied to H. curtilamellata (Malloch) in hypopygium strcture, but differs in: larger LR<sub>1</sub>,smaller AR, with frontal tubercles and the unique shape of hind tibial spur. According to Cranston et al. (1989 p. 383), 'Frontal tubercles absent' in the genus Har-nischia, but except has obvious frontal tubercles, the present species is provided with all im-portant features of this genus. So about the generic diagnosis by Cranston et al. (1989) shouldbe reconsidered. Harnischia turgidula sp. nov. (fig. 2) Imago male: Green, body length 3. 2 mm.,AR 2. 2, frontal tubercle absent. Palp length:0. 026,0. 12,0. 13, 0. 14 mm. Acrostichals 7. dorsocentrals 11, scutellaris 2. Wing length 1. 65mm. R with 13 setae. Squama with 5 fringe setae. Legs largely green, partially brown, foreta<sub>1--5</sub>, middle and hind ta<sub>3--5</sub> dark brown. LR<sub>1</sub>2. 42, LR<sub>2</sub>0. 67, LR<sub>3</sub>0. 8. Abdominal segments Ⅰ-Ⅳ green, Ⅴ-Ⅷ brown. Hypopygium (fig. 2)brown, anal point spatulate in dorsal view, with apex expanded androunded. Gonocoxi?e slightly longer than stylus, several strong setae borne on a large mesalprotuberance. Gonostylus with a marked inner basal expansion. Holotype , Guangdong Province (Fenkai County 23.4°N, 111.4°E), Apr. 20, 1988. This species is close to the palaearctic H. fuscimama Kieffer in size, AR, LR, et al., butit differs from all known male Harnischia in its unique structure of the stylus. Harnischia hamata sp. nov. (fig. 3). Imago male: Pale green, body length 3.3 mm. AR 2.0, without frontal tubercles. Palplength: 0. 031, 0. 113, 0. 133, 0. 22 mm. Acrostichals 4, dorsocentrals 6, scutellaris 2. Winglength 1. 6 mm. R with 3 setae. Anal lobe rounded, squama 6 setae. Fore leg ta<sub>1--5</sub>, middleand hind ta<sub>3--5</sub> dark brown. The others green. LR<sub>1</sub>2. 31, LR<sub>2</sub>0. 69, LR<sub>3</sub>0. 77. Abdmen green. Hypopygium (fig. 3): Anal point long, rod-like, parallelsided, apex blunt, with severallateral setae. Gonocoxite broad. Gonostylus shorter than gonocoxite, narrowly attenuated atthe juction with gonocoxite, with an apical tooth. Sternapodeme thick and arched. Holotype , Ningxia Autonomus Region (Yinchuan, 38.4°N, 106.2°E), July 26, 1987. The present species differs from the known species of Harnischia in its unique styles andanal point. Harnischia japonica Hashimoto(fig. 4) Newly recorded from China. Material examined: 3 , Shandong Province (Mt. Kunyu,37.2°N, 121.7°E), Aug. 24, 1987. Harnischia curtilamellata (Malloch) (fig. 5) Material examined: 2 , Tanjin (Duliujian River 39.1°N, 117.2°E. ), June 12, 1985.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
new species