新闻侵权是民事侵权行为的一种特殊类型。近年来随着我国市场经济体制的逐步建立和完善 ,民主法治建设的步伐也日益加快 ,公民法治意识和人格尊严意识不断增强 ,由新闻侵权引发的民事诉讼呈现出日渐增多的趋势。由于新闻侵权对新闻事业的负面影响十分严重 ,正逐渐成为新闻界和法学界关注的焦点。本文就目前我国新闻侵权的界定、特征、原因和形式等加以分析 ,并着重提出防范新闻侵权的措施。
News infringement of right is one special type of civil tort. In recent years,the gradual establishment and improvement of the market economic system in our country has quickened the construction of democratic legal system,and citizens has strengthened their consciousness of legal system and human dignity. But meanwhile,there appears a growing trend towards the civil lawsuit caused By news infringement of right. As the side-effects which it has on news cause is very severe,news infringement has become the focus of interest among press circles and circles of the science of law. This thesis analyses the slope ,features ,causes and forms of the present news infringement in our country,and it attaches importance to providing the measures to prevent news infringement of right.
Journal of Anhui Electrical Engineering Professional Technique College