目的 探讨超声对盆腔炎性肿块的诊断价值。方法 使用Aloka-630型、AgilentDx型超声诊断仪对228例盆腔炎性肿块的妇科病人,经腹超声检查。结果 228例病人,其中手术证实112例,超声引导下穿刺证实33例,抗炎治疗治愈83例;228例中,超声有异常发现的224例(占98.25%)。结论 盆腔炎性肿块的声像图尽管变化多端,但还是有规律可循,同时具有一定的临床应用价值。
Objective to evaluate the value of ultrasonic diagnosis on the pelvic inflammatory mass. Methods 228cases with pelevic inflammatory mass were examined by abdominal ultrasound. Results 112 cases were confirmed with operation, 33 cases were confirmed by puncture under the ultrasound. 83 cases were cured by anti-inflammation. 224 cases had abdominal ultrasound findings. Conclusion Although pelevic inflammatory mass have variable findings in ultrasound,they could be diagnosed according to their typical findings. Ultrasound is reliable in diagnosing the pelevic inflammatory mass.
Shanghai Medical Imaging