
经济学假说检验的逻辑——科学认识论维度 被引量:6

The Logical Analysis about the Test of the Economics' Assumption——Seen from Epistemology of Science
摘要 经济学假说的检验一直是困扰经济学的问题之一 ,也一直是经济学方法论研究的重要课题 ,本文在对经济理论检验的历史考察的基础上 ,结合逻辑学的研究成果 ,试图从科学认识论维度为这种检验困境的解脱寻求一条可能路径 ,即语境分析或情境分析。 The test of the economics' assumption is always an economic problem an d important task in the methodology of economics. On the basis of historical st u dy over the test,and combine with logic study,this article try to find a possi ble path seen from epistemology of science for the puzzledom of the test--th e contextual analysis of economic theory or situational analysis.
作者 杨渝玲
机构地区 南京大学哲学系
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第6期40-43,共4页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
关键词 经济学假说 检验 科学认识论 情境 economics' assumption test epistemology of science situation
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