
对《“自然辩证法概论”教学基本要求》的几点商榷意见 被引量:1

Some Suggestions about "the Basic Requests for the Teaching of 'General Dialectics of Nature'
摘要 由教育部社政司下发各高等院校参照执行的《“自然辩证法概论”教学基本要求》 ,是我国自然辩证法学科建设中一个新的里程碑。但是 ,其中有许多表述值得商榷 :(1)真理和谬误的划界不等于科学与非科学的划界。 (2 )把科学研究方法与技术研究方法截然分开的理论依据不充分。 (3)作为科学哲学核心内容的科学知识论教学内容显得薄弱。 (4)不宜用科学社会学的部分内容替换科学技术与社会的教学内容。 (5 )科学技术的创新理论的逻辑阐述不完整。科学技术的创新必须以科学技术的学习和应用为基础 ,新的教学要求应该补充完整这个内容。 The Basic Requests for t he Teaching of 'General Dialectics of Nature'',issued by the social s ciences and political thought trai ning division of the department of education and ask all the universi ties in China to carry out consult atively,is a milestone of the disc ipline developing of Dialectics of Nature.But there are many statemen ts should have been under more discussions ,those will be suggested below:(1)The delimitation between trut h and error does not equal to the one between science and nonscienc e at all.(2)There is no enough reason to separate absolutely scientific met hods from technological ones.(3)It looks too less requests fo r the teaching contents of scienti fic epistemology,which has been co nsidered a kernel of the philosoph y of science.(4)It is not suitable to subst itute the contents of science,tech nology and society with scientific sociology.(5)It was not stated in a comple te logic way for the theory of sci entific and technological innovati on.Scientific and technological in novation should be based on the le arning and applying.So the new tea ching requests should makeup it.
作者 张功耀
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第6期103-105,F004,共4页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
关键词 自然辩证法概论 教学要求 商榷意见 general dialectics of nature teaching requests some suggestions
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