目的 :为比较珊瑚颗粒和羟基磷灰石 (HA)颗粒在即刻种植愈合过程中的作用。方法 :应用国产羟基磷灰石涂层种植体植入犬股骨中 ,在种植体周围骨缺损中分别植入HA和珊瑚颗粒 ,并设空白对照而成 3组 ,进行比较观察 ,术后 2 ,3,4个月处死动物 ,通过X线检查及扫描电镜观察标本。结果 :植入植骨材料充填种植体周围骨空隙后 ,术后 4个月 ,种植体和骨组织结合紧密 ,珊瑚颗粒几乎完全降解吸收 ,而HA颗粒基本无变化 ,未植入植骨材料的空白对照组 ,4个月时颈部尚有部分骨组织缺损。结论 :即刻种植体周骨缺损大于 1mm以上应植入植骨材料。作为植骨材料 ,珊瑚颗粒较HA颗粒有更好的骨引导活性 ,能降解吸收为骨组织替代 ,而HAG不能吸收 ,影响骨改建。
Objective: To compare the the effect of coralline and hydroxyapatite (HA) on bone formation in immediate bone implantation. Methods: HA coated titanium implants were implanted into the femora of adult dogs. The laxis length of the socket was 7.5 mm and the diameter of the socket center was 3.5 mm. HA coated titanium implants (all with the diameter of 3.5 mm) were placed in the each socket center. The immediate implants were divided into three groups: HA granules were filled in between the bone and implant in one group,and coralline granules were filled in another group,and no particles was filled in the last one. Animals were killed at 2,3 and 4 months after the operation. Results: 4 months later after the operation,implants combined with mature new bone closely in particles filled groups. Among them,coralline particles were absorbed nearly completely and taken the place of by mature new bone but HA particles weren't. The amount of new bone formation in the former two groups were much more than that in the group without particles. Conclusion: Artificial bone should be implanted when the space between implant and socket is wider than 1mm in immediate implantation. And coralline granules have better bone guided activity than HA granules. They can be absorbed and taken the place of by mature new bone,while HA granules can’t.
Medical Journal of Wuhan University
湖北省自然科学基金资助项目 (批准号 :99J14 3 )
dental implant