文章介绍了用可编程序控制器对机床主轴实现脉动定位控制。即当停机定位时对主轴电动机进行脉动自动控制 ,使电动机的转速稳定在一个较低的平均速度下实现主轴自动定位。脉动定位方法简单 ,特别适用主轴定位精度要求不高的场合。文中给出了定位系统的硬件和软件。实践证明 ,用可编程序实现主轴的脉动定位 ,大大提高了定位系统的可靠性 ,取得很好的定位效果。
The pulse move automatism orientation control circuit of principal axic used PLC be introduced. When stop and orientation principal axic machine put up Pulse move automatism orientation control,let rotate speed of electromotor level off in low lying evenness speed come true The Pulse move automatism orientation control circuit of principal axic. The Pulse move automatism orientation control circuit is simple method, especially apply the situation that precision need not superlative. The hardware structure and cortrol program of the orientation system are presented in the paper. The reliability and orientation precision of system are advance be proved in practice.
Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique