目的 探讨超声引导经皮氩氦靶向治疗肝肿瘤的疗效和临床应用价值。方法 在超声引导下 ,2 17例肝肿瘤患者接受了氩氦靶向冷冻治疗。结果 肝血管瘤治疗后随访 1年 ,范围缩小者达 10 0 %。小肝癌 1年生存率达 83 .3 % (10 /12 ) ,中晚期肝癌术后临床症状改善者达 82 .1% (165 /2 0 1) ,随访 1年生存率为 69.7%(12 2 /175 )。并发症发生主要有肝出血 3 .7% (8/2 17) ,右侧胸腔积液 2 .8% (5 /2 17)。结论 超声引导氩氦靶向治疗肝肿瘤是一种安全、有效、操作简便的治疗方法。
Objective To evaluate the effect and clinical value of ultrasonography-guided Argon-Helium targeted ablation on treatment of liver tumor.Methods By means of ultrasound inducing,217 patients of liver tumors were selected for percutaneous Argon-Helium targeted cryoablation.Results All of liver hemangioma shrank in different degrees after cryoablation; 12 cases of small hepatic cancer were followed up for over one year,the one-year survival rate was 83.3% (10/12). 82.1% (165/201) advanced patients became better and clinical symptom ameliorated.One hundred and seventy-five cases of advanced patients were followed up for over one year,the one-year survival rate was 69.7% (122/175).The common complications after Argon-Helium cryoablation treatment were hemorrhage( 3.7% ,8/217), pleural effusion( 2.8% , 5/217). Conclusions Ultrasound-guided Argon-Helium targeted ablation in treatment of liver tumor is simple,safe and effective.
Chinese Journal of Ultrasonography