目的 探讨立体定向微创治疗高血压性脑出血的疗效及优越性。方法 对32例高血压性脑出血行立体定向血肿排空术或小骨窗开颅、显微镜辅助手术清除颅内血肿。结果 本组32例术后立即复查头颅CT,血肿均清除70%以上,瞳孔散大者均有不同程度回缩。32例分别住院12~31 d,死亡4例。结论 立体定向微创治疗高血压性脑出血具有定位准确、创伤小、恢复快、病死率低等优点。
Objective To evaluate the effects and advantages of stereotactic operation on hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage (HIH). Methods 32 eases of HIH underwent stereotactic hematoma aspiration or craniotomy with small tone window resection under microscope for clearing hematoma. Results The hemorrhage of all these patients was cleared away by more than 70% and the dilated pupils contracted in some degree. There was no re-hemorrhage 2-5d after the operation. And the hemorrhage of 21 patients disappeared 7d after surgeries. The rest 11 cases still had a little remains, but the spaceoccupying effect disappeared or decreased obviously, Only 4 died in the 32 cases. Conclusion Stereotactic operation is an effective way to treat HIH with advantages of accurate location, minimal invasiveness and low death rate.
Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine