【目的】 分析中国 7岁以下儿童体块指数 (BMI)的变化规律 ,提供儿童BMI人群参照值。 【方法】 根据 1995年第三次中国九市城郊 7岁以下儿童体格发育调查所获得的数据 ,采用九市 0~ 7岁 15 73 62名健康男女儿童 (其中城区 7915 4人 ,郊区 782 0 8人 )的身高 ( 3岁以下为身长 )、体重测量值 ,分城、郊、男、女 2 2个年龄组 ,分别计算出各自的BMI百分位数值并绘制曲线。 【结果】 分别按年龄、性别、城郊计算出了 0~ 7岁儿童BMI的第3、10、2 5、5 0、75、85、90、95、97百分位数值 ;通过比较分析证实 :九市 0~ 7岁儿童的BMI存在性别、城郊和地区差异 ,十年间绝大多数年龄组BMI值有不同程度的增长。 【结论】 九市 0~ 7岁儿童BMI人群参照值 。
To provide BMI reference data for Chinese children from birth to 7 years for both clinical and preventive health care uses. The third national growth survey of children below 7 years in the nine cities of China was performed in 1995 and from this survey, weight and height of the 157 362 healthy children (79 154 of them from urban and 78 208 from suburban rural areas) were used to calculate the BMI percentile values. The children were classified into 22 groups according to location (urban and rural), sex and age. The 3th,10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 85th, 90th, 95th, 97th percentile data and curves of BMI for boys and girls aged 0~7 years in urban and suburban were made out respectively. There were gender, urban rural and regional differences in BMI. As compared with the results in 1985, the BMI in most age groups for both boys and girls from urban or suburban rural areas have been increased. [Conclusion] The BMI percentiles for urban and suburban children aged 0~7 years are very useful reference data for both research and construction of the national standard to assess obesity in children.
Chinese Journal of Child Health Care
卫生部和美国强生公司合作项目 (95 2 5)
body mass index