目的 评价口腔医学文献的研究质量。 方法 检索 2 0 0 2年《牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志》全年发表的文献 ,分析临床疗效评价文献的科研设计及统计学方法。 结果 该刊 2 0 0 2年度共刊载临床治疗性研究 2 0 4篇 ,其中前瞻干预性研究 93篇 (4 5 5 8% ) ,采用随机对照、盲法试验设计的 6篇 (2 94 % ) ;非盲法随机对照试验 4 2篇 (2 0 5 8% ) ;仅设对照的试验 2 0篇 (9 80 % ) ;无对照临床观察 2 5篇 (12 2 5 % )。对 10 8篇干预性与断面调查的研究文献的统计学方法进行质量评价 ,结果显示 ,2 0篇文献 (18 5 2 % )统计学方法应用不当。
Objective To evaluate the quality of clinical studies on dentistry from the Chi n ese Journals.MethodsClinical studies in Chi n ese Journal of Conservative Dentistry of 2002 were searched. The quality of the clinical studies on assessment of treatments' efficacy was evaluated. WT5'H Z ResultsAmong 204 related studies from 12 issues, there w ere 93 (45.58%) restrospective intervention studies, 6 randomized controlled bl inded trials (2.94%), 42 randomized trials without blindness (20.58%), 20 cont rolled trials without randomization (9.80%) and 25 clinical observational studi es (12.25%). The statistical analysis showed that 20 studies were with inapprop riate methods.ConclusionIt is necessary to im pro ve the design and statistical analysis of clinical studies on stomatology in Chi na to produce high-quality research evidence.
Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine
Research d esig n
Statistical methods
Dentistry journal
Evidence-based medicine